Tree Promise

Plant, protect and honor trees!

The Tree Promise

The Girl Scouts USA has promised to plant, protect and honor five million trees, to protect the planet from the effects of climate change. 

The Tree Promise Patch

Interested in learning more about trees, and sharing trees with others?  The Tree Promise is a national program with a patch. 

Daisies, Brownies and Junior can earn the Tree Promise Patch developed for Girl Scouts San Diego.

Cadette Trees Badge

Cadettes can complete the Trees Badge, which has been adapted with online and outdoor activities that feature trees in San Diego. 

Resources at GSUSA

19-page guide     5-page volunteer guide    Citizen science with trees    Climate challenge patches

GSSD_Tree Promise Patch_Sept 2023.pdf
GSSD Cadette Trees Badge

Plant a Troop or Family Tree!

Planting a tree is a fantastic educational activity for a family or a Girl Scout Troop.  This could be a "troop tree," a place for memories and a future legacy!  Trees can be planted in back and front yards by a family willing to care for the tree--starting with watering weekly for three years.  If you are interested in a free troop or family tree to plant, please send an email to Anne Fege, urban forester and longtime GS volunteer  

How to Plant a Tree

Want to learn about how to plant a tree? Check out this short, educational video from TreePeople (in Los Angeles).

Explore Trees Beyond Girl Scouts

Interested in getting involved in tree advocacy beyond Girl Scouts? 

All About Kate Sessions

More Helpful Videos!

Why do trees matter?