Girl-led Tent Camping
Join other older girls and adults for a Girl-led Tent Camping Weekend, at county and public campgrounds. Watch one-minute video, or click on QR code.
Spring 2025 weekends are now being scheduled, and you can register at $10 non-refundable (but transferable) deposit).
Girls can attend without adults from their troop, and adults can attend w/out girls. Several older girl troops in SUs can sign up together for a weekend. "Let's Tent” trained adults can gain more tent camping experience.
The activities, equipment, meals, and transportation are planned by the girls in two virtual/zoom meetings. The meetings cover site, safety, requirements, meals, equipment, girl-led activities, and transportation.
Girl-led tent camping weekends were held at Dos Picos County Park on May 5-7, Laguna Campground on September 8-19, 2023, and at Dos Picos on April 19-21 and October 4-6, 2024. Costs were $30, $32, and $35 (including deposits) for campground fee, groceries, chuck boxes, propane fuel, and campfire wood. One-minute video. Two-page summary.
Questions? Contact Anne Fege, or 858-472-1293 or Diana Osburn,
Activities during tent camping weekends
Planning in two virtual/zoom meetings
Activities that are girl-led and -chosen (including chilling, hanging out)
Outdoor cooking, campfire, hiking, bouldering (Laguna), playground (Dos Picos), and water play on hot days
Group sites at local campgrounds
Equipment for group camping and cooking
Personal equipment list, including tents
Reliance on trained adults
Group expenditures and payment (CG site and other)
Closing circle (evaluation)
Other outdoor activities are organized by the Backpackers and the new High Adventure and Service Troop (interest troop)